April 23rd, 10 AM – 2 PM at MINI of Des Moines
With Spring around the corner let’s get our MINI’s all spruced up! More details to follow but get it on the calendar and plan on joining us.
April 23rd, 10 AM – 2 PM at MINI of Des Moines
With Spring around the corner let’s get our MINI’s all spruced up! More details to follow but get it on the calendar and plan on joining us.
March 20th, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Warrior Lanes, Waukee.
Join us, yet again, for another fun filled afternoon of bowling. Perhaps some ice cream afterwards at the DQ across the parking lot?
Participation will be a little different than in the past. You are allowed only 5 people per lane, whether they are bowling or not, meaning spectators would count. We have a limit of 25 people. Due to this restriction, and to ensure we have enough slots for the bowlers, please only RSVP if you are planning to bowl. And by no means think you have to know how to bowl. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or ability. It’s not a competition so don’t count on a trophy or prize. It’s for fun, strictly for fun.
Cost is $8.25 per person; shoe rental is $3.75 plus tax.
RSPV deadline is midnight, Thursday, March 17th.
Details have been sent via email to our Google Group members for our first event of 2022. If you are not in the Group, or want to confirm that you are, go to our website, www.centraliowaminiclub.org. Click on the Join tab, complete and submit. You will be sent an invitation to join….please accept. It’s that simple. Emails sent to the Group can be responded to….there is a human at the other end.
It’s the time of year to enjoy Jolly Holiday Lights with our MINI’s!!
The plan: Sunday, December 19th, 2021 at 5:15pm….
We will meet in the parking lot of the Altoona Cinemark Theater (2227 Adventureland Dr NW, Altoona). Jolly Holiday Lights starts at 5:30 so we can roll from the parking lot right over to the entrance and once there, we can line up and enter as a group. There’s plenty of space for us, in case we get split-up on the drive over. If you want to purchase tickets ahead of time, it’s a little less money, but the proceeds go to a good cause either way. If anyone wants to get a bite to eat beforehand, Culver’s is in the lot right next to the theater. We could stop in around 4:30 for an early supper. Nothing official, but it’s an option that’s really, REALLY close.
Hope to see many of your smiling faces there.
Mark your calendars for the Fall Colors Drive on Sunday, September 19th, hosted by Brad Bristow. We’ll meet at MINI of Des Moines for the drivers meeting at 12:45 PM. Departing at 1 PM to head south to Madison County. We’ll make a stop in the countryside and check out the Winterset Cidery at the end of the drive. Sounds interesting. Please RSVP on the Facebook event or emailing Laura or Brad by midnight on Tuesday, September 14. Let’s hope this year brings lots of color and if not, it’ll be just another great day spent with fellow MINIacs.
How about motoring to the Ox Yoke Inn in the Amanas for breakfast and an on-your-own day checking out the town and maybe do a little shopping? Question is will Bill & Carey get another award?? We’ll meet at the HyVee in Altoona and head out at 8 AM SHARP!! Make sure to have MINI’s belly full of petrol, don your shirt, name badge and charge the walkies!! Hummm, wonder if this will become another of our annual events. Who doesn’t like breakfast? RSVP’s for the number in your party are needed no later than Monday, September 27, so we can alert the establishment.
Saturday August 21, 2021
The Round House – Building D
1402 South Missouri Street
Macon, Missouri
10:00 AM – MINI Cooper Arrival/Socialize
11:00 AM – Official Welcome
12:00 PM – Complimentary Lunch
1:30 PM – Group Pictures
2:00 PM – Farewell
*Optional- The Fork & Cork Artisan Festival located Downtown Macon at Vine & Rollins Street is happening the same day as our rally. If you want to check out the information for the festival
Here is the website: https://maconforkandcork.squarespace.com/
WHY: What a year! Is everyone ready to breakout and have some fun? Let’s put 2020 behind us and get out, have some fun and return to our regular lives. That means shine up the MINI and let’s hit the road! I want to invite everyone to Macon, Missouri for a special MINI Rally.
I realize that putting on a Mini Cooper Rally in Macon, Missouri presents some travel logistics for everyone, however it may well be an adventure worth taking to come to the country. I hope to see you!
MINI PASSION: Hilary Morrissey is a passionate MINI owner of 11 years. She has attended MINI Cooper shows and events throughout the state as well as hosting the MINI’s to Macon show in October 2011 & 2013, the MINI’s to Richmond show for 7 years plus the MINI’s to the Springs Rally in Excelsior Springs, MO in 2016. The opportunity to get a group of MINIs together for a fun event seems very appealing, so here we go! Mark Saturday, August 21st, 2021 on your calendar and make the trip to Macon, Missouri! ADVENTURE AWAITS!
TO MAKE RESERVATIONS TO ATTEND: Please e-mail Hilary Morrissey at ministomacon@gmail.com with your first and last name, the year, model, color of your MINI and how many people are attending.
Got Questions/Comments? Contact Hilary Morrissey at ministomacon@gmail.com or visit the website for more information www.ministomacon2021.moonfruit.com
Jeremy, once again, has volunteered to host our yearly photo scavenger hunt.
The details of the hunt are kept under wraps until that day. Jeremy is thinking we could do this as a ‘never have to get out of your car’ event. We could dust the cobwebs off our walkies and use those! Or some other form of technology….
We’ll gather in the service drive behind MINI of Des Moines at 1:45 pm for the “No Contact” drivers meeting and proceed from there. Laura promises an awesome prize for the winner!
Remember to keep your distance, wear your mask and be very mindful of others. Stay safe MINIacs and here’s hoping to see you all for our first event of 2020!!
Sunday January 19
1:00 PM
Tavern II Pizza – Pasta – Grill
1755 50th Street (Across from Lowe’s)
West Des Moines
Our first meeting of 2020 is an important one as we will be determining our Board of Directors for the 2020 season. Five of the current board members have offered to stay on the board in 2020, if the members so vote. That leaves us one opening to fill. If you are interested in helping direct the club this year you can contact a current board member to find out more or just come to the meeting and express your interest.
We also need someone to step in and lead the club next year. Someone to take charge in planning & leading the board/general meetings and events, to name a few. So think about it and remember someone has to do it so it might as well be you, right?
Let’s gather on Sunday, January 19, 2020, at 1 PM at The Tavern II on 50th in West Des Moines (across from Lowe’s). You can take care of your 2020 dues, we’ll take care of business, have some food, and as always, great conversation with fellow MINIacs. Please RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura by midnight Wednesday January 15, 2020. And don’t feel you can’t join us if you’ve stored your MINI for the season or if you haven’t joined the club yet. Anyone is always welcome, it’s how we roll.
A night of food, fun and support for Make A Wish Foundation. Mark your calendars for Monday, December 2. We’ll meet for dinner at Perkins, 2621 Adventureland Drive in Altoona, at 6:00 PM and then head on over to the show. Jolly Holiday lights is a 2.5 mile cruise through over 100 holiday themed light displays. All that for a mere $20 per car! Show your support for an awesome cause and join us. Please RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura by midnight Friday, November 29.
If you’re unable to make dinner but would still like to join us for the tour meet us at the entrance to the park at 7:30 PM.