How about motoring to the Ox Yoke Inn in the Amanas for breakfast and an on-your-own day checking out the town and maybe do a little shopping? Question is will Bill & Carey get another award?? We’ll meet at the HyVee in Altoona and head out at 8 AM SHARP!! Make sure to have MINI’s belly full of petrol, don your shirt, name badge and charge the walkies!! Hummm, wonder if this will become another of our annual events. Who doesn’t like breakfast? RSVP’s for the number in your party are needed no later than Monday, September 27, so we can alert the establishment.
Saturday August 21, 2021
The Round House – Building D
1402 South Missouri Street
Macon, Missouri
10:00 AM – MINI Cooper Arrival/Socialize
11:00 AM – Official Welcome
12:00 PM – Complimentary Lunch
1:30 PM – Group Pictures
2:00 PM – Farewell
*Optional- The Fork & Cork Artisan Festival located Downtown Macon at Vine & Rollins Street is happening the same day as our rally. If you want to check out the information for the festival
Here is the website: https://maconforkandcork.squarespace.com/
WHY: What a year! Is everyone ready to breakout and have some fun? Let’s put 2020 behind us and get out, have some fun and return to our regular lives. That means shine up the MINI and let’s hit the road! I want to invite everyone to Macon, Missouri for a special MINI Rally.
I realize that putting on a Mini Cooper Rally in Macon, Missouri presents some travel logistics for everyone, however it may well be an adventure worth taking to come to the country. I hope to see you!
MINI PASSION: Hilary Morrissey is a passionate MINI owner of 11 years. She has attended MINI Cooper shows and events throughout the state as well as hosting the MINI’s to Macon show in October 2011 & 2013, the MINI’s to Richmond show for 7 years plus the MINI’s to the Springs Rally in Excelsior Springs, MO in 2016. The opportunity to get a group of MINIs together for a fun event seems very appealing, so here we go! Mark Saturday, August 21st, 2021 on your calendar and make the trip to Macon, Missouri! ADVENTURE AWAITS!
TO MAKE RESERVATIONS TO ATTEND: Please e-mail Hilary Morrissey at ministomacon@gmail.com with your first and last name, the year, model, color of your MINI and how many people are attending.
Got Questions/Comments? Contact Hilary Morrissey at ministomacon@gmail.com or visit the website for more information www.ministomacon2021.moonfruit.com
Every year since 2006 owners have submitted photos for inclusion in an annual Mini of the Month calendar. If you would like to submit a photo for 2021, or just want to buy the finished calendar, here is the latest information from John and the folks who take care of this project.
Well, it’s September and time is running short to submit your MINI or Classic Mini photo entries to be included in the voting to select the photos for the 2021 Mini of the Month calendar. For those of you who have already submitted photos, thank you. For everyone else, I look forward to seeing all your MINI and Classic Mini photos soon. Voting to select the photos to be published in the 2021 MINI of the Month Calendar(s) will occur in late September/early October which will be here before you know it so don’t delay.
Calendar photos for 2021 must be submitted by September 20, 2020.
In my last email I mentioned that Lulu.com, the publisher of our calendars, has completely overhauled their website and that the new calendar creation tool was not yet available. I have recently received an email from Lulu indicating the new and completely revised calendar tool will be available in late September. This fits our schedule pretty well as long as Lulu delivers the tool on time and there are no glitches in the new release. For those of you who want to know the reason for this change, the previous versions of the calendar tool used Adobe Flash which will no longer be supported by Adobe after the end of 2020.
I encourage all participants to visit the MINI of the Month website for full details. MINIoftheMonthCalendar.com
Please review the photo guidelines, schedule and samples of some of the previous winning photos on the website. We have quite a few photos submitted every year that do not meet the minimum requirements for format, resolution or quality. Here are some key points to make sure your photos are of sufficient quality to be used in the calendar:
All the details are on the website. You can also keep up to date with the latest calendar information by visiting the MINI of the Month Calendar Facebook page: facebook.com/MINIoftheMonthCalendar
For each submitted photo, please include a descriptive caption (100 characters or less) and the first initial and last name of the photographer and/or person submitting the photo. Captions should contain information about the subject, event and/or location where the photo was taken along with any other interesting information. Please keep this in mind. If I have to track down winners to get caption information after the voting is over, it just slows down the preparation of the calendars.
Also, if you know of MINI events you would like included in the calendar, please send the date, location and name of the event. This is especially important for non-US participants since I do not have access to most non-US MINI events. Most major US MINI events are included in the calendar, but some events have not finalized their dates before the calendar is completed. Non-US participants can also send dates of important holidays in your part of the world if you would like them included in the calendar. We now have quite a few participants from several other countries. I would like to include significant dates, events and holidays for all MINI of the Month participants.
The worldwide pandemic caused many of this year’s planned events to be cancelled or rescheduled. It is possible that some 2021 events could also be disrupted by the ongoing pandemic. We’ll include event dates as we know them, but the calendar is finalized in October and we have no guarantees that events will take place as scheduled once we get into 2021.
Photos, comments or questions can be submitted to: MINIoftheMonth@gmail.com
If you send links to your photos stored on a photo sharing website, please make sure that the original full resolution photos can be downloaded. Many of these sites only save much smaller, lower resolution photos to download.
2021 MINI of the Month Calendar schedule:
September 20, 2020 – Deadline for submission of photos
September 25, 2020 – Start of voting to select winners
October 18, 2020 – Voting closes
October 23, 2020 – Winners announced
November 6, 2020 – 2021 calendars available for purchase
Sunday October 20, 8:45 AM to 5 PM
Via hilly, curvy highways and byways we’re heading to Farmington in Southeast Iowa. We’ll lunch at the Bridge Café and Supper Club (no coat and tie needed) then head back to Des Moines passing thru Fairfield, Fremont and Oskaloosa. There are several pumpkin patches along the way but no ‘Fresh Egg’ signs were seen.
The convoy will meet at Petco in Southridge Mall. Drivers meeting at 8:45 AM and departure at 9:00 AM. It’s about 300 miles and will take about 7 1/2 hrs, including a pit stop and lunch. RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura no later than midnight, Wednesday, Oct 16 and please note the number in your party. Fill up the tank, charge the walkies, don your shirt and name badge and prepare to motor!
PLEASE NOTE: It’s a NO GO if the day is going to be a wash out with rain. We’ve done this on rainy days and it just isn’t any fun. Final decision will be made Saturday night and posted so stay aware.
This Drive In Run isn’t for movies; it’s for FOOD as we take over the iconic George the Chili King on August 29.The Chili King has been a Des Moines staple since 1952 and is the last remaining classic car hop drive-in in the metro. In the 50’s and 60’s it was the epicenter of the hot rod scene in Des Moines and more recently was featured on the Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” with host Guy Fieri getting one on one with George himself. You can view the episode at http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/diners-drive-ins-and-dives/episodes/oldies-but-goodies . We’ll gather at 6:00 PM and plan on filling the drive in slots with MINIs! Last year we had 38 MINIs, including some that just stopped in because they saw us having fun. This should be a fun evening for socializing and basking in the vintage vibe. We won’t need the radios, just drop in, but please RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura no later than Midnight, Saturday, August 25th so we can give George a “heads up”.
WHEN: Wednesday August 29, 6:00PM
WHERE: 5722 Hickman Road (SE Corner of Hickman, Merle Hay and Merklin Way)
It’s time for our last grand driving event for 2017. As we have for 15 years we’ll be joining up with the Eastern Iowa MINIs for a day of entertaining driving. We’ll be departing at 8 AM sharp from SE Polk High School, 7945 NE University Ave, and heading to the Casey’s in Pella, 414 S. Clark Street (Exit 42 off Hwy 163 then north). Here we’ll meet up with the Eastern Iowa MINIs and at 9:30 AM we’ll all head out for a motoring adventure through the beautiful Iowa countryside. After a couple stops along the way we’ll have lunch in Eldon and end our drive near Iowa City around 3:30-4:00 PM.
So get your club shirt washed and ready to go, make sure MINI’s tank is full, and don’t forget your name badge and FRS/GMRS radio (Channel 7, subchannel 21). We’ll need an accurate head count for lunch so please RSVP with the number in your party by this Wednesday, October 11th. If you’re not able to go the full day please feel free to join us for as long as you can. And if Pella is closer to your home feel free to meet us there.
As most of you know we host monthly Ice Cream Drives in the warmer part of the year. We’ve now added a page to this website to give you a peek ahead as to where we are going, and details as they are announced. Just click on Ice Cream in the main menu and get ready for some of the best ice cream central Iowa has to offer!
One of our most fun driving outings of the year! Our Drivers’ Meeting will be at 8:15 AM at the Norwalk High School, 1201 North Ave. Leaving promptly at 8:30 AM. We’ll convoy to Bethany, Missouri to meet with the Kansas City Mini Enthusiasts for lunch before an entertaining drive hosted by James Flowers on some great back roads in Southern Iowa and Northern Missouri. We’ll meet with James and the KCME gang at 11AM in the parking lot of Toot-Toot restaurant, 2905 Miller St (North side), Bethany MO: https://goo.gl/maps/
After intros, map disbursements and a little chit chat, we’ll head for lunch. There’s the Toot-Toot, Sonic, Dairy Queen, KFC, McDonald’s & Subway all on Miller St.
Around noon we’ll line up in the Wal-Mart parking lot (http://goo.gl/maps/LqqCz). There’s a FAST and a SLOW group so join the appropriate line. We’ll start the drive from Wal-Mart ‘round 12:15 and end up in Lamoni for ice cream. If you need to bug out early don’t forget the MINI behind is following you so please pull over, let everyone pass, then go on your merry way.
Two important things…RSVP and bring your fully charged 2 way radios. We’ll disclose the channel in Bethany to remain in stealth mode. It’s a fun fun drive you won’t want to miss!
Join us on a motoring excursion to the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum in West Branch to see the travelling exhibit “America’s Road: The Journey of Route 66”
Drivers Meeting at MINI Of Des Moines at 8:45AM with departure at 9AM.
Lunch along the way in Coralville (potty stops too!) arriving in West Branch approx 12:30PM. Museum is open till 5:00PM and admission is $10.00 for adults.