Monday August 26 will mark our third annual visit to this iconic Des Moines Drive In but more important than that it’s Mini’s 60th Birthday! On August 26, 1959 the world had its first introduction to one of the most influential cars in history, the Mini!

The Chili King has been a Des Moines staple since 1952 and is the last remaining classic car hop drive-in in the metro. In the 50’s and 60’s it was the epicenter of the hot rod scene in Des Moines and more recently was featured on the Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” with host Guy Fieri getting one on one with George himself. You can view the episode at http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/diners-drive-ins-and-dives/episodes/oldies-but-goodies . We’ll gather at 6:30 PM and plan on filling the drive in slots with MINIs! If you can only make one event this year please try to join us for this one! This should be a fun evening for socializing and basking in the vintage vibe. We won’t need the radios, just drop in, but please RSVP via Facebook or email to Laura no later than Midnight, Saturday, August 24th so we can give George a “heads up”.